Busy times

Wow, November already, and November is one of those months which hardly seems to be acknowledged properly because its that "itsalmostchristmasquickgetorganised" month, and then bang! December is almost gone too and it's Christmas.
The past few months have felt the same with my mine and Mr.'s birthdays come and gone, a bunch of parties hosted in between, plus one week of me being sick, to send out the whirlwind that is September and October.
So fair enough to say, minimal craft/creativity has occurred. I had to pack up my craft room (the dinner table) to accommodate our parties and what not's, and it's only just started to creep its way back out now that my Ballet Concert is looming and costumes are being quickly stitched up.
Meanwhile on the school front, it's exam writing time, but to keep that boredom and seriousness at bay, I'll leave you with my tutu inspirations. Enjoy.



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